Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse Kick Off Lunar New Year in Designer Outfits at Disney California Adven
We’ve recently shared details about new experiences and merchandise offerings celebrating the Year of the Mouse and Lunar New Year at...

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Get New Costumes From Guo Pei <br><br><br>
Guo Pei is the first designer to have a look presented in a Disney park as an offering for an event or a celebration. Guo Pei with Mickey...

ACF Couturiers Play out Super Hi-Fashion<br><br>
Time: November 19-21, 2019 Where: Jinan city, Shandong, China Event : Jinan in Style International Fashion Week ACF (Asian Couture...

Asian Couture Federation Launch Jinan in Style International Fashion Week<br>
The three-day event was cohosted by the Jinan Municipal Government and the Asian Couture Federation. A look from Guo Pei. Dominique...

澳洲顶级仙女裙Paolo Sebastian亚洲首秀 30件高定产品亮相
11月20日晚,澳大利亚顶级时装设计师保罗·瓦西列夫携作品亮相“泉城风尚”国际时装周,这也是由他创立的仙裙品牌Paolo Sebastian举办的亚洲首秀。 来自寓言和童话中的灵感贯穿保罗·瓦西列夫的所有系列,在本次时装周中,他展示了30件美轮美奂的高定作品,这些作品以汲取...

“泉城风尚”国际时装周高定秀 BAZAAR专访印度尼西亚时尚设计师Sebastian Gunawan
“泉城风尚”国际时装周高定秀 11月19日,“泉城风尚”国际时装周,正式于中国山东济南市国际时尚创意中心揭开序幕。为期三日(11月19日至21日)的国际时装周,由济南市政府与亚洲高级定制公会(Asian Couture Federation)携手打造。这是亚洲高级定制公会首...

“泉城风尚”国际时装周 Guo Pei发布2019春夏高定 东 · 宫系列<br><br>
从月宫中的嫦娥,到龙宫中的仙女,东方的神话悠远而绵长,神秘而浪漫。宫中的仙子、道人宽衣大袖,银发垂髫; 神仙、精灵裙裾飞扬,妩媚妖娆。在东方的文化中,宫自古皆为皇室贵胄们的居住之地,亦是修道成仙之人的精神休憩之所。宫既是最高权力的象征,也是皇后的代名词。宫既是人间天堂,亦是...

COUTURíSSIMO showcases new collection during star studded Asian Couture Federation Gala <br/>
London, 6 December This evening, ground-breaking fashion platform COUTURíSSIMO previewed an inspiring new collection designed exclusively...

COUTURíSSIMO announces global launch during Paris' Haute Couture week <br><br>
COUTURíSSIMO has the pleasure of announcing the global launch of our revolutionary site, in Paris, on Sunday 3rd July 2016. This fashion...

COUTURíSSIMO announces Michael Cinco to present during Paris' Haute Couture week at a private di
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 17th MAY 2016 The Executive Board and Governors of the Asian Couture Federation are delighted to announce that...