Yumi Katsura Documentary Film “Mother of the Bride” 桂由美ドキュメンタリー映画「Mother of the Bride」<br>

“Mother Of The Bride” is a fascinating film that documents the life and work of Asian Couturier Extraordinaire Yumi Katsura over the years as one of Japan’s most distinguished and innovative designers. Famous for her breathtaking wedding gowns, Yumi Katsura divulges personal insights about herself and her work in the film, which was directed by Seung Kim. “Mother Of The Bride” goes behind-the-scenes and chronicles the ups and downs of the dynamic world that Yumi Katsura thrives in. A sneak preview was held on 23 April 2014, which was attended by ACF Founding President Frank Cintamani and ACF Governor Yuki Sakaguchi. The special guest for the event was Kariyazaki Shogo, one of Japan’s most influential ikebana masters.
半世紀以上にわたり、ブライダル界のパイオニアとして精力的に活動する桂由美の原点や、これまでの人生を桂由美自身によるナレーションで振り返るドキュメンタリー映画『桂 由美 マザー オブ ザ ブライド』が完成。常に斬新なデザインを生み出し続ける桂由美の探究心とその情熱を、気鋭の映像作家キム・スンヨン氏が一年間にわたり密着取材・撮影しました。ACF からフランク・シンタマーニ創業会長と坂口有希理事が参加した4月23日のお披露目会場には、華道家の假屋崎省吾さんの姿もありました。
The highlight of the film takes place during a fashion show in Thailand to commemorate the queen’s 80thbirthday. There were many obstacles in the way leading to the event but Yumi Katsura displayed her professionalism and experience by overcoming these challenges with cool discernment and grace. Another highlight was the wedding ceremony she personally organised for 45 bridal couples whose wedding plans were affected by the 2011 earthquakes in Japan. Her compassion and kindness touched many and revealed yet another inspiring aspect of the multi-faceted famous designer. Then one year later in 2012, her advocacy was handed down to many volunteers, she was invited to the citizens’ bridal ceremony held in Kamaishi-city. This would also be seen in the documentary.
“Mother Of The Bride” will premiere on May 31, 2014